Dr. Geri Markel’s Most Requested Programs
Leadership Productivity
Distractions Down, Productivity and Profitability Up
Opens the way for more effective leadership performance. Although a few distractions may be easily managed, constant distractions can lead to feeling overwhelmed, irritable, and ineffective. Better control of distraction increases productivity and creativity while decreasing stress. The eight demons of distraction include technology overload, interruptions by others, multitasking, noisy settings, stress, fatigue, illness, and unruly mind. In this highly interactive and practical seminar, leaders learn how to identify personal distracters, apply strategies in complex situations, reduce stress, and ensure follow-through.
The 5 Hidden Barriers to Leadership Productivity
Provides database, problem-solving strategies and tools that can be applied to enhance performance, productivity, and profitability. In today’s competitive environment, leaders, managers and small business owners need a systematic way of identifying and solving long- and short-term problems. Participants engage in exercises to examine the balance of consequences, find root causes of problems, and prioritize actions.
Positive Assertiveness: How to Say “No” Nicely and Get the Job Done
Provides a framework for effective leadership and enhanced productivity. With more flexibility in work arrangements, such as flextime and tele commuting, leaders and managers may fail to consistently impose limits and provide corrective feedback. Regardless of the reasons for performance slippages, leaders can use positive assertive skills to raise difficult issues, respond to anger, and deny unreasonable requests. Participants assess their leadership style, and engage in competence-building exercises to overcome self-defeating behavior, open up meaningful dialogues, and give (and receive) productive feedback.
Productivity and Happiness: the Leader’s Role
Discusses ways for leaders to set the stage for greater happiness and productivity. Research shows that happy employees are more productive, creative and innovative (United Nations, 2013. Unfortunately, other studies indicate that only 305 of American employees feel engaged or inspired at work. How can leaders stop the stoppers to happiness? This seminar employs Aristotle’s principles as a guide to work/life happiness. Specific strategies help leaders focus on knowing the right thing to do, at the right time and in the right way while making a conscious decision to act. When leaders manage their thoughts and actions to attain this goal, they and those they lead increase productivity and the amount of flourishing in their lives.
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Team Leadership Development
Finding Your Focus: 6 Tools for Improving Performance
Shows how one small improvement in focusing a leader’s attention or organization can begin a powerful process of greater self-management and productivity. Participants learn to use proven strategies such as self-talk, visualization, rules, routines, and checklists to enhance outcomes and satisfaction. Exercises, case studies and role plays provide enhanced skill development and applicability.
Smart Solutions to the Stress Mess
Delivers simple but practical strategies to better manage stress and increase productivity. Downsizing and diminished budgets are just a few of the demands that are creating additional stress for leaders and teams who have to accomplish more work with fewer resources. Juggling life outside of work is an additional stressor, as people deal with competing values and demands. Participants discover how to avoid or decrease particular stressors and integrate a stress management regime into their work/life settings. Booster strategies are provided to cope with the additional stress that accompanies difficult economic times.
Stop the “I’ll do it later” Cycle
Supplies the techniques for moving from intention to action. The pressure is on for employees to do more with less time and fewer resources. Most people procrastinate at some time or in some situations. Excessive procrastination, however, can lead to loss of productivity and increased stress. Participants complete a procrastination profile and learn easy-to-apply strategies to manage time and responsibilities. Discussions and hands-on activities help participants overcome common barriers and design an action plan to decrease procrastination.
8 Steps to Effective Team Problem-Solving
Provides data-based, problem-solving strategies and tools that can be applied to enhance performance, productivity, and profitability. In today’s competitive environment, teams need systematic methods of identifying and solving long- and short-term project problems. Participants engage in exercises to examine the balance of consequ4ences, find root causes of problems, prioritize action, and monitor outcomes.
Speaking and Training
Stop the ‘Stoppers’ to Happiness
Describes the inextricable link between happiness and productivity. Discusses how to deal with the problems of today that seem beyond control and shows ways to move beyond the stoppers to finding—or rediscovering—happiness. Provides a rational way of deciding how to deal with life’s difficulties and attain greater life satisfaction.
Just in Time: Time and Task Management
Shows how to stop over scheduling, rushing, and inappropriate multitasking. None of us have enough time, yet each of us has all the time there is. It is the decisions we make regarding how we spend this priceless commodity that make the difference. Participants assess their time management behavior, and practice techniques to develop reasonable goals, devise realistic schedules, and continuously monitor their accomplishments. There is a focus on business time management and discussion of special challenges for the working parent or caretaker.
Coaching for Peak Performance
Provides evidence about the benefits of coaching. As organizational and technological advances reshape the way employees work and interact, the need for leadership to motivate and to model desired outcome behaviors are crucial. Managers and supervisors need to re-examine their roles and responsibilities, and practice those that encourage initiative, critical thinking, and decision-making. Participants discuss critical aspects of coaching and identify their coaching style, discuss steps for effective coaching, and develop a practical plan of action.
Improving the Bottom Line by Effectively Using Performance Appraisals
Demonstrates how the performance appraisal process contributes to an effective management system. Like any tool, however, when it is poorly used, it can cause more harm than good. Leaders and team leaders learn how to maximize high performers, develop middle performers, and assist low performers. Tips, Techniques, and checklists provide practical methods to deal with common problems such as late or inadequate record keeping or communication. Better use of performance appraisals results in greater product ivy, improved profitability, higher retention, reduced stress and reduced legal risk.
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